Dear Friends
I hope this finds you well. We are so excited to offer you some Sweet Deals for the month of February!!!! These deals will not only improve your health to live a better life, but also the health of your spouse and your child.
We have a Special deal where your Spouse can attend our 4 Week Class with you for FREE (yes, really!!!) In addition, when you register for class, your child can attend for half price!!!
The whole family can obtain peak health together with our special February deals!!! The 4 Week Classes start this week. We would love to have you join us!
And if you’re into Challenges, we have a Lose 20 Contest! You can be a Winner when you Lose 20 pounds in 4 Weeks. Details are below!
And being that it’s February, and our love for chocolate, be sure to check out one of our favorite recipes below – Mint Chocolate Bombs (the healthy way) below!

In 4 weeks you CAN increase your energy level, feel great, lose weight, get lean and learn how to keep it off with our Signature program. You can reach peak health and live sustainable wellness.
And you can now pay for class with your Wellness Card! This class includes: a detox, the latest health topics, eating plan for resetting your microbiome and hormones, recipes, cooking class, learning about the right fats & sugars, reading labels, power greens, sleep and stress and MORE! This Class will impact your life and is available during the day and in the evening. Register at

This Drop 20 Contest is an exciting opportunity and challenge for you!
The way it works is if you lose 20 pounds during the 4 week class, you will get half your registration cost returned!
That’s it! So Simple! What have you got to lose? The rules which go along with this contest include: Weekly postings about the class on Facebook or Instagram, Your before and after picture posted on social media,your testimonial and a review on google and Facebook after class is over!

Mint Chocolate Bombs Recipe
¼ cup coconut oil
½ cup coconut butter
¼ cup cacao powder 2 tbsp coconut flour
2 tbsp monk fruit sweetener 10 drops of mint oil
1. Place the coconut oil and coconut butter in a small pan and melt
over low heat.
2. Add in all the other ingredients and whisk until well incorporated.
3. Place about 1 tbsp of the melted mixture into a silicon mould pan and place in the fridge until it firms up approx an hour).
4. Remove from the mould when it sets and place in an airtight container in the fridge
5. If you don’t like mint, skip it and you can use vanilla extract or any other flavor of your choosing.
You will want to place the silicon pan on a tray before you begin to fill it up so the mixture doesn’t spill all over the place given that these silicon trays are usually quite flimsy
Have a safe and happy February! Hope to see you soon!!!
May God bless and protect you! Robbie & Ann Marie
Raw Truth Health
[email protected]
8469 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville, NY
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31