Hello Friends,
Well it’s that time of year again as the kids go back to school, and as Mom’s we want the best for our kids. Giving them a healthy breakfast and lunch is paramount to their health, energy level, preventing disease, ability to concentrate etc. I thought you might want to check out my segment from WKBW TV 7 AM Buffalo on Healthy Lunches and Snacks. Remember we want protein and fiber for every meal and veggies for snacks! Click on the link here to see the segment!
Also Tuesday Sept 3rd seemed like a good day to focus on Mom’s taking care of themselves so I’m offering my free Health seminar at the BAC at 12 noon to help motivate you. I offer another free seminar on Thursday at 7pm Sept 5th at the Aesthetic Associate Center. You do not need to be a member of the BAC to attend any of these. My 12 week Healthy Eating and Wellness Classes kick off next Tuesday and Thursday as well and are filling up fast. For more info go to my web site and look under classes at www.robbieraugh.com
I’ve been so proud of my clients as each and everyone of them have transformed their bodies and life with amazing results. One of my clients recently lost 65 lbs, 10 inches off her waist and nearly 20 % body fat! Of course the main thing is she is transforming her health and preventing disease! You know you are going to spend the time and the money either preventing disease, or the time and the money treating disease! Either way you will spend the time and the money!
As many of you know I have been presenting for Churches and at Kingdom Bound Biblically Based Health, Fitness, and Nutrition seminars and 10 week classes. God has been using me in mighty ways and I am so grateful. In two weeks I am kicking off two consecutive 6 week Holistic Health and Nutrition classes God’s way along with an Inspirational Cleansing detox.
Cost for each 6 week series is $149.00 with wellness kit (3 Isotonic Supplements) or $120.00 ($20.00 per session) with just the 30 day Isotonic Multi-vitamin. Both choices include the six 1.5 hour sessions, binder and handouts, and the 7-12 day detox (plus noted supplements).
**Please note –this program is more Holistic in Nature, and is not the same curriculum as my 12 week TLS Healthy Eating Program.
At the end of each one hour class there will be 30 minutes of prayer and related scripture. There will be a drop in rate of $25.00 per person if space permits. You will have an option to attend the class again for 6 more weeks with all new topics at a discounted rate.
Agenda will include the following:
Preventing Disease
Avoiding Contaminated Produce and Processed Foods
Beating The Sugar Blues
Sports Nutrition
Adrenal Fatigue
Anti Cancer Diet
Vegetarian and Plant Based Diets
What’s the 411 on Gluten and other grains
Anti-inflamatory Diets
Eating for Energy
The low down on Protein
Becoming A Fat Burning Machine
Healthy Cooking for you and your family and more!
Space will be limited! Please sign up for my free newsletter and follow me on Twitter for further updates. Reserve your spot my emailing me at [email protected]
Don’t forget to tune in to my show every Saturday at 11am on 99.5FM WDCX The Raw Truth and watch my Health and Fitness Segments every Thurs/Friday on AM Buffalo!
I hope I see you soon in one of my classes! In the meantime stay well and fit!
Robbie Raugh, RN
Board Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner
Philippians 4:13