Hello Friends,
I love Christmas so much – celebrating the birth of baby Jesus with family and friends. But as we go into this season which is the most wonderful time of the year, I know our hearts are heavy with the sadness and pain of what many are going through in other areas. I pray for our World and for peace daily, and I have a prayer at the bottom of this letter, which I hope you will join me in.
On a much lighter note, I have attached below one of my favorite gluten free Sugar Cookie recipes for those looking for a good one. This is from the cookbook Against The Grains. Also you should check out No Guilt Goodies.com for some amazing off the charts healthy desserts you can have made for you!
So here’s what’s happening!
***21 DAY CHALLENGE – RTR/TLS Rapid Results Challenge Class Details:
Get fast results that last with the new 21 day Challenge on:
Wednesdays January 6th 7:30pm for 4 sessions Evans BAC for members and non members OR
Thursday at 12:30-1:30pm January 7th for 4 sessions at the Evans BAC for Members and non members
$99.00 (25.00 per session) plus the kit for $149.00 optional
Get the meal plan and materials you need at class one.
Privates sessions also available
The 21 day Rapid Results class is filling up fast! It starts the first week in January and all the info is on my new web site at therawtruthrecharge.com. This is for those who are serious and want results quick. People are seriously losing 15-20 lbs in just 3 weeks on this. It’s amazing and it stays off. If you don’t want to wait until January – you can set up a private consult with me and start anytime. Be sure to put the words “need 21 day rapid results” in the subject line of the email to me so that I see it and respond quickly as I get a lot of emails. Please email me at robbie@robbieraugh.com
Gift Certificates available for private and group nutrition and weight loss consultations. And don’t forget my new Book The Raw Truth Recharge and exercise videos all make great gifts!
For more info check out my Integrative Nutrition website at:
***FREE SEMINARS – Healthy Eating Raw Truth Recharge Seminars!
I highly recommend you attend one of our signature FREE seminars to stay on track or get on track! You heard about it, read about it, thought about it – now attend it and get ready to change your health and life!
FREE Raw Truth Recharge Health Seminars will be offered: At the BAC for Women (members and non members welcome – as are men) and Medical Practices at the following times:
Tuesday December 29th at 7pm at the Colvin BAC – Health Seminar and 21 Day Info Session
Tuesday January 5th at 12:30pm at the BAC Evans Location near Sheridan (21 day Rapid Results challenged offered following this seminar so you don’t have to wait). Or
Tuesday January 5th 6:30pm WNY Rheumatology – 1825 Maple Road, Suite 120 (corner of Ayer)
Thursday January 7th at The BAC Colvin Location (21 day Rapid Results challenged offered following this seminar so you don’t have to wait). Be sure to email Robbie if you want to commit – space is limited.
At the free seminars learn about:
Preventing and reversing disease
Eat this not that and why
Feeling/Looking GR8
Anti Cancer Foods
Anti Inflammatory Foods
Plant based eating
Importance of Detox
The 21 Day Rapid Results Detox
Get motivated to get or stay on track
Our 12 week Eat Clean Classes are filling up as well. Be sure to check the date changes we made below.
CLASSES: 12 Week Raw Truth Recharge EAT CLEAN/TLS classes start:
Tuesday January 19th at 12:30pm at the BAC Evans Location near Sheridan – or
Tuesday January 19th at 6:30pm at WNY Rheumatology – 1825 Maple Road, Suite 120 (corner of Ayer)
Thursday January 21st at 7pm at The BAC Colvin Location
Note: There is a one week break between the free seminars and the class start date.
*******Remember you can start the 21 day challenge anytime – just contact me for details Check back here for more locations being offered soon!
Email Robbie at robbie@robbieraugh.com to reserve your spot to attend free seminars or classes and for more info!
I am so excited to be coming to Toronto Canada January 9th to speak at a Conference on Health and Wealth at Tyndale University! I will speaking about the 7 Truths to Health and Fitness – and my friend Cesar Lauper the host of Money Matters on WDCX will be speaking on your Wealth. It’s free however we are asking that you RSVP ahead. We will both be broadcasting our shows live at 10am and 11am and then the conference will be 12-3pm. So excited to meet our Canadian listeners! Check out this link for the Conference and feel free to share it with your friends:
And here is the recipe!!
Grain-Free Sugar Cookies
Danielle Walker – AgainstAllGrain.com
SERVES: 1 dozen medium sized cookies
- 2½ cups blanched almond flour
- ¼ cup honey or coconut nectar
- 1 egg
- 2 teaspoons unsalted butter or coconut oil
- ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- 1 teaspoon coconut flour – for dusting
- 6 tablespoons coconut butter (also called coconut cream concentrate)
- ¼ cup raw cacao butter, chopped
- ¼ cup honey
- ¼ cup cold coconut milk
optional: food coloring (this brand is all natural or use 1 tablespoon finely ground freeze dried strawberries or raspberries – you may need to add extra liquid to achieve desired consistency if using the dried fruit)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the dough ingredients in a food processor and process until a smooth ball of dough forms, about 30 seconds. Alternatively, mix all of the ingredients in a stand mixer or by hand. The food processed dough will be ultra smooth and the most like a conventional sugar cookie.
- Flatten the ball of dough into a ½” thick disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 20 minutes.
- Roll the dough out between two sheets of parchment paper, keeping it to a ¼” thickness. Remove the top sheet and sprinkle the top of the dough with 1 teaspoon coconut flour, rubbing it in slightly with your fingers. Dip a cookie cutter in a little flour then cut your shapes, peeling away excess dough as you work. Gather the excess dough into a ball and re-roll it. If it starts to dry out or crack as you work with it the second or third time, lightly wet your hands before kneading the scraps to add a little moisture back into the dough.
- Bake the cookies on a tray lined with parchment paper for 8-10 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack.
- Warm the cacao butter and coconut butter over low heat until melted, but not boiling. Pour it into a bowl and whisk in the cold coconut milk and honey. Refrigerate for 20 minutes to set.
- Scrape the frosting into a blender or food processor and pulse a few times until the frosting is smooth and fluffy. Add any food coloring if desired or leave white.
- Pipe designs or spread frosting onto cooled cookies.
*For the glossy look that I achieved with the dark pink heart, I first piped a thin border around the outside of the cookie and placed it in the fridge to harden for 10 minutes. Then I melted a little bit of the frosting until it was liquid and poured a little inside the border. I tilted the cookie around until the frosting “flooded” the space and stopped at the border. The others are just spread with an offset spatula then piped with designs.
In closing I pray:
Compassionate God and Father of all,
we are horrified at violence
in so many parts of the world.
It seems that none are safe, and some are terrified.
Hold back the hands that kill and maim;
turn around the hearts that hate.
Grant instead your strong Spirit of Peace –
peace that passes our understanding
but changes lives,
Make your ways known upon earth, Lord God,
your saving power among all peoples.
Guide the leaders of all nations,
that justice may prevail throughout the world.
Make us instruments of your peace
and let your glory be over all the earth,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I pray that you find love, peace, joy and happiness with Christ’s love this season. Have a very Merry and blessed Christmas my friends!
In Him,
Philippians 4:13